As you may have seen in our email yesterday, Charles, our Executive Director, just got back home to the U.S. from a six-week visit to Nova Scotia.
Because of the COVID virus, travel to and from Canada has been restricted since March. And while teleconferencing has certainly been very helpful all year, there’s just no substitute for being on the ground/ocean and working directly with our amazing Canadian team of staff, volunteers and supporters. So, we’re all very appreciative of the Canadian government giving us permission for this visit.
We’ll have more news soon of everything that was accomplished. But meanwhile, and just before he had to return home, Charles taped this brief message from the wharf that overlooks the sanctuary site.
Please take a moment to make your Holiday donation. Together we can create a gold-standard sanctuary that gives captive whales a new home and a new life in this wonderful, natural environment.
Thank you, and all good wishes for a safe and peaceful Holiday.