“The Strongest Energy I’ve Ever Felt”
Page Three of some remarkable, inexplicable stories of killer whale behavior toward humans in the wild.
Male killer whale. Credit: Carl Safina
My friend Maria Bowling was snorkeling in Hawaii when – freak coincidence – several killer whales suddenly showed up.
She wrote to me, “I heard a very strong clinking sound, like metal on metal, like two scuba tanks hitting one another. It was a very high vibrating sound that did not feel uncomfortable but it did feel incredibly strong!!! It went right through me. It was the strongest energy that I have ever felt. A wave of energy, like transmitting.
“It was like a portal opened, or an introduction to another possibility of communication. After the encounter I was so elevated and activated by the power of the event that for days I was a bit dazed. I felt lighter, more integrated, very hopeful, light-hearted and full of joy.
“This is not very scientific I know, but it’s more of a somatic experience than that of the mind or intellect.”
Next – Page Four: “They Saved My Dog.”
All posts in this series are excerpted from Beyond Words; What Animals Think and Feel by Carl Safina.