The Whale Sanctuary Blog Archives

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From Keiko to Kiska – Whales Without Walls

I’m sitting on the wharf, here at Port Hilford Bay, and behind me are 100 acres of water space that ...

A Major Update on the Creation of the Whale Sanctuary

It is just over a year since Dr. Lori Marino and I announced that Port Hilford Bay in Nova Scotia ...

We Couldn’t Have Chosen a Better Site!

Port Hilford is a wonderful location for a seaside sanctuary for whales being retired from marine entertainment parks. It offers ...

All 10 Orcas from the Whale Jail Have Now Been Returned to the Ocean

This week marked the completion of the return of the 10 orcas from the “whale jail” in Russia to the ...

Location, Location, Location!

The three main considerations that go into evaluating a possible site for a seaside sanctuary for whales. In a very ...

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