The Whale Sanctuary Blog Archives

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Canadian Senate Pays Tribute to Work of Whale Sanctuary Project

We are deeply honored by the speech by Senator Patricia Bovey in the Senate of Canada paying tribute to the ...

“Enthusiasm Abounds” at Nova Scotia Meetings

In Nova Scotia, people are forming local committees to explore how they can collaborate with the Whale Sanctuary Project and ...

News Conference & Public Meetings in Nova Scotia

“We believe there is the perfect community that shares our vision," Charles Vinick told reporters at Whale Sanctuary Project news ...

News Release in Nova Scotia

The Whale Sanctuary Project is holding a series of public information meetings over the next 10 days to identify communities ...

If Bill S-203 Dies, Will Reincarnation Follow?

Canada’s Bill S-203 ­– to end the captivity of whales and dolphins – was deprived of a final vote as ...

Senator Christmas’s Poignant Speech to End Cetacean Captivity in Canada

Sen. Daniel Christmas addresses the Canadian Senate on behalf of S-203 – the Ending the Captivity of Whales and Dolphins ...

Ban on Whale Captivity in Canada Approaches Vote

The Canadian Senate is set to vote on a bill to outlaw whale and dolphin captivity. The vote may come ...

Sanctuary Groups Share Info at Marine Mammal Conference

The Whale Sanctuary Project presented a workshop at the conference of the Society for Marine Mammal Biology last week, in ...

Will Canada Ban Captivity for Whales and Dolphins?

Canada has taken another step toward retiring whales and dolphins from captivity in marine parks and aquariums. The Coastal First ...

Canada Considers Ban on Captivity of Whales and Dolphins

The Canadian Senate is currently considering an amendment that would make it illegal to keep whales or dolphins in captivity. ...

Exploring Locations for a Sanctuary in British Columbia

Two members of the Whale Sanctuary Project team have been exploring coves and bays in the supremely beautiful region of ...

Canadian Senate Hearing on Banning Captivity of Whales & Dolphins

Should it be made a criminal offense to keep healthy whales and dolphins in concrete tanks in Canada? At a ...

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