The Whale Sanctuary Blog Archives

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Conference – “Toki: Present and Future” Day of Listening, December 13th

On Tuesday, December 13th, Friends of Toki (formerly known as “Friends of Lolita”) will host the “Toki: Present and Future” ...

Independent Veterinarians Complete Their First Assessment of Tokitae (Lolita) at Miami Seaquarium

An update on the progress of the independent assessment of the physical and mental health of the orca Tokitae (generally ...

The Lummi Nation’s 7,000-Mile Trek to Free Tokitae

Members of the Lummi Nation are on a 7,000-mile trek to visit one of their own, the orca Tokitae, in ...

How the First Orcas Were Captured and Sold to Marine Parks

In August 1970, TV cameras were on hand as seven orcas (killer whales) were captured off the coast of Seattle ...

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