The Whale Sanctuary Blog Archives

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Opening Day at Whale Sanctuary Operations Centre

It's another milestone toward the creation of the Whale Sanctuary in Nova Scotia. People from near and far gathered for ...

Message from the Sanctuary Site

A brief video message from Charles Vinick, Whale Sanctuary Project executive director, taped at the wharf that overlooks the sanctuary ...

Canadian Senate Pays Tribute to Work of Whale Sanctuary Project

We are deeply honored by the speech by Senator Patricia Bovey in the Senate of Canada paying tribute to the ...

Whale Sanctuary Project selects Port Hilford, Nova Scotia, for sanctuary site

The Whale Sanctuary Project has announced that it will work together with Sherbrooke and the Municipality of the District of ...

Site Selection Team Visits Nova Scotia

Dr. Lori Marino, President of The Whale Sanctuary Project, and board member Charles Vinick spent a week in Nova Scotia ...

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