The Whale Sanctuary Blog Archives

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Orca from 2019 Whale Aid Rescue Spotted with Pod

One of the 97 orcas who were rescued from the infamous "whale jail" in 2019 and returned to their ocean ...

Jean-Michel Cousteau and Charles Vinick – a Conversation

Jean-Michel Cousteau and Whale Sanctuary Project Executive Director Charles Vinick discuss their 40 years of collaboration, ocean advocacy, and the protection of ...

“Please Don’t Interact with Curious Beluga Whales in the Ocean!”

A few of the beluga whales who had been captured illegally from Russian waters and were returned to the ocean ...

Letter to Russian Government re. Ban on Capture of Cetaceans

Letter to the President and Prime Minister of Russia in support of a ban on the capture of cetaceans for ...

The Whale Jail Is No More!

The last group of beluga whales from the “whale jail” in Russia have been returned to the ocean. The notorious ...

All 10 Orcas from the Whale Jail Have Now Been Returned to the Ocean

This week marked the completion of the return of the 10 orcas from the “whale jail” in Russia to the ...

Third Group of Orcas Released from Whale Jail

Russian authorities have begun the transport and release of a third group of orcas from the “whale jail.” In response ...

Release of First Orcas and Belugas from “Whale Jail” Raises Growing Concerns

Serious questions are being raised about the care of the orcas and beluga whales who are being returned to the ...

Jean-Michel Cousteau and Whale Sanctuary Project Team on Returning Whales to Ocean

Russia has begun the process of returning the whales that were illegally captured last year back to the area where ...

Russia Begins Transport of Whales for Return to the Ocean

Russia has begun the process of returning to ocean waters the 10 orcas and 87 beluga whales who were captured ...

Jean-Michel Cousteau’s Letter to President Putin

Letter from Jean-Michel Cousteau to President Putin regarding the 97 orcas and beluga whales who were captured in order to ...

Russian Ministry Presses for Summer Release of Captive Whales

Russia’s Minister of Natural Resources & the Environment says plans are now moving ahead to return the captive orcas and ...

Whale Aid Russia Begins Stage Two

We have completed the first stage of our work on behalf of the 10 orcas and 87 beluga whales who ...

Plan to Immediately Release Orcas in Srednyaya Bay Should Not Be Adopted

The Jean-Michel Cousteau / Whale Sanctuary Project team does not support the new plan, announced by Russian authorities on May ...

Recommendations for Release of Orcas and Belugas from Srednyaya Bay

The Russian government is currently assessing recommendations for rehab and release of the 97 orcas and beluga whales who were ...

Russian Consilium Mirrors Assessment of Whale Sanctuary Team

Announcement from Russian institute VNIRO mirrors assessment of Whale Sanctuary Project team that all orcas and belugas in captivity at ...

Report on Orcas and Belugas Held in Srednyaya Bay

Executive summary of the report to the Russian Government regarding the 10 orcas and 87 belugas being held in sea ...

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