The Whale Sanctuary Blog

News updates … Opinion … Commentary … Press releases … Background info … Archives.

Tokitae’s Necropsy

Having reviewed the results of the orca Tokitae's necropsy, as released to the Miami Seaquarium by the University of Georgia ...

Tokitae the Orca’s Legacy

For everyone following the progress of the Tokitae over the past year, the news of her sudden death, last week, ...

Tokitae the Orca Has Passed Away

Over the last two days, Toki started exhibiting serious signs of discomfort. Despite receiving the best possible medical care, she ...

Conference – “Toki: Present and Future” Day of Listening, December 13th

On Tuesday, December 13th, Friends of Toki (formerly known as “Friends of Lolita”) will host the “Toki: Present and Future” ...

Independent Veterinarians Complete Their First Assessment of Tokitae (Lolita) at Miami Seaquarium

An update on the progress of the independent assessment of the physical and mental health of the orca Tokitae (generally ...

Lolita/Tokitae to be Examined by Independent Vets

  Mayor Danielle Levine Cava, entrepreneur and conservationist Pritam Singh, and Whale Sanctuary Project Executive Director Charles Vinick. (View the ...

The Lummi Nation’s 7,000-Mile Trek to Free Tokitae

Members of the Lummi Nation are on a 7,000-mile trek to visit one of their own, the orca Tokitae, in ...

Lolita/Tokitae: Fame and Misfortune (1966-2023)

In August 1970, when she was just four years old, the orca calf known as Tokitae was captured from her ...

One Voice and the Whale Sanctuary Project Propose Collaboration with Marineland Antibes to Retire Three Orcas to Sanctuary

A fully cooperative effort among staff and management of all parties is key to a successful outcome for Inouk, Wikie ...

How We Can Give Sanctuary to the Whales Who Cannot Wait

The loss of yet more orcas and beluga whales at entertainment parks this year means we can no longer work, ...

Frequently Asked Questions

Timeline: 2015 to Present

Welcome to the Whale Sanctuary Timeline Here you will find the latest updates, along with a history of work at ...

After Second Death This Year, Russian Aquarium Renounces Use of Captured Orcas

In the wake of two young captive orcas dying so far this year at the Moskvarium Aquarium in Moscow, the ...

Historic Initiative to Return Orca Lolita to Home Waters

The Miami Seaquarium has entered into an historic and legally binding agreement with the nonprofit organization Friends of Lolita to ...

Spring Update Webinar 2023

Join Dr. Lori Marino, President and Founder, and Charles Vinick, Executive Director, for an update on the Whale Sanctuary Project, ...

Remembering Don Baur – Legal Counsel and Close Friend

He was always engaged in every aspect of the organization, not only its legal responsibilities or requirements.

Ask Us Anything!

Join Dr. Lori Marino, President and Founder, and Charles Vinick, Executive Director, for a year-end chat about the Whale Sanctuary ...

Winter Newsletter 2022/3 – A New Life for Captive Whales

Here is a copy of our Summer Newsletter: "Creating the Whale Sanctuary." Read about progress at the sanctuary site and ...

The Death of Nakai and the Future of Captive Whales

The young orca Nakai, who was born at SeaWorld San Diego and lived in a tank there all of his ...

Summer Newsletter 2022 – Creating the Whale Sanctuary

Here is a copy of our Summer Newsletter: "Creating the Whale Sanctuary." Read about progress at the sanctuary site and ...

“Live Series” of Webinars and Conversations

Photographing Belugas in the Wild

Wildlife photographer Ellen Cuylaerts travels the world documenting animals and the challenges they face. We talked with her about her ...

Russia Issues Formal Invitation to Visit “Whale Jail”

The Whale Sanctuary Project has brought together a team of experts, led by oceanographer Jean-Michel Cousteau, to visit the notorious ...

The Whale Jail in Srednyaya Bay

The Whale Sanctuary Project is organizing a team of experts to go to Russia and assess the condition of 10 ...

Location, Location, Location!

The three main considerations that go into evaluating a possible site for a seaside sanctuary for whales. In a very ...

Dio the Dog Goes Sniffing for Whale Poop

Dio is an ace sniffer dog, and his role is to direct the research vessel to where his colleagues can ...

Seaside Sanctuary Concept

A concept image of the seaside sanctuary that the Whale Sanctuary Project will be creating in a natural environment that ...

The Whale Sanctuary and the First Nations

In each region where the Whale Sanctuary Project is conducting our site search, we’ve been helped, guided and encouraged by ...

The Lummi Nation of Washington State

During the mid-1800s, in what would soon be known as Washington State, the Lummi people were exiled from their tribal ...

The Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis of British Columbia

During our first field visit to prospective Canadian sanctuary sites, in July 2017, Whale Sanctuary Project president Dr. Lori Marino ...

TEDx Talk “Whales Without Walls” by Charles Vinick

In this November 2017 TEDx talk, Charles Vinick, Executive Director of the Whale Sanctuary Project, describes what he’s learned over ...

Explore the archives for more.

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