The Whale Sanctuary Blog Archives

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Dolphin Assisted Therapy, Autism and Pseudoscience

Dolphin Assisted Therapy (DAT) is a type of dolphin swim program that is purported to be an effective treatment for ...

Shocking Government Report on Miami Seaquarium

New and deeply disturbing facts in a government report about life for the orca Lolita and other marine mammals at ...

Of Mice and Orcas

A recent video of Kiska the orca at Marineland Canada shows her slapping the side of her body against the ...

Effects of Chronic Stress on Captive Orcas

A new paper demonstrates that the poor well-being and high mortality rates of orcas (killer whales) in captive facilities can ...

Dio the Dog Goes Sniffing for Whale Poop

Dio is an ace sniffer dog, and his role is to direct the research vessel to where his colleagues can ...

Response to the Vancouver Aquarium

Vancouver Aquarium veterinarian Martin Haulena and former SeaWorld trainer Mark Simmons claim that a concrete tank at an aquarium is ...

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