The Whale Sanctuary Blog Archives

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Munchkin’s Orca Miracle® 360 Cup

Our lead sponsor, Munchkin, Inc., has just introduced a new Wild Love line of its #1 selling Miracle® 360° cup, ...

Munchkin’s “Wild Love” Miracle 360® Cups Promote Animal Conservation

Diana Barnes of Munchkin, Inc., writes about the company’s new line of Wild Love Miracle® 360° cups, featuring orcas and ...

Munchkin Donation in Memory of Tilikum

Shortly after the announcement from SeaWorld, this morning, that Tilikum the orca had died, we had a call from Steven ...

National Shamu the Whale Day

September 26th is National Shamu the Whale Day, and all day our friends at Munchkin are donating 100 percent of ...

Orcas and Munchkins

Shortly after The Whale Sanctuary Project was incorporated, we received a donation of $200,000 from Munchkin, Inc, a company well-known ...

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